Message from the President

See the Conference Website

From Colleges to Commercial Investment - presentation

- Grant to attend ACUHO-I Conference, Seattle

- University of Queensland Chapter Visit

Member Updates
- Trevor Cairney retires

From the President

Our Collegiate Way International & UCA Conference website is now ‘live’ with information about the Conference to be held at ANU 13-17 November and registration. Further details will be added as they come to hand, such as the development of the program which will include over 20 papers/presentations from overseas and across Australia. From ‘Durham to Down Under’ will be a special opportunity to engage in conversation about collegial communities in global contexts – how we continue to build and develop collegial communities in changing and challenging contexts both here and overseas. I encourage you to come!

It was a great pleasure to attend the AACUHO 25th Anniversary Conference in Sydney last week and to have the opportunity to give a presentation on ‘25 years of AACUHO: 160 years of Australian university residence’. I have prepared a paper related to the presentation From Colleges to Commercial Investment: challenge, change and compromise in the provision of Australian university residence 1856 – 2016 and this is available on the UCA website. In line with our MOU, we look forward to continuing collaborative work, particularly in the areas of alcohol harm minimisation and professional standards. It was also a pleasure to meet with Allan Blattner, President of ACUHO-I and Director of Housing and Residential Education at UNC Chapel Hill (USA), and to attend the AACUHO AGM at which Vincent Wilson, CEO Deakin Residential Services, was elected President.

Following our affiliation agreement with ACUHO-I, we have the opportunity (and encouragement) to nominate one of our ‘new professionals’ (“five years or less of full-time experience in the field”) to attend the ACUHO-I Annual Conference and Exposition, which this year will be held in Seattle from 9 – 12 July. ACUHO-I will provide an amount of $1,500USD to support the nominee. The award, provided by the ACUHO-I Foundation, may be split between more than one nominees to attend if we wish. The purpose of the award is particularly to provide opportunities for networking, mentoring and new knowledge. We would be delighted to receive expressions of interest from any who might wish to be considered for such an award - by Friday 20 May to our Executive Officer, Ms Deborah Pugh at

Our Executive will meet at the University of Queensland on 5&6 May, including a meeting with the UQ Vice-Chancellor, Professor Peter Høj. It will also be an opportunity to thank Adjunct Professor Iyla Davies for her leadership and contribution to our Association and sector, prior to her departure from The Women’s College in July.

Members might also be aware that Professor Trevor Cairney, Master of New College UNSW for the past 14 years, has announced his retirement from the position in November this year. Previously a PVC and Dean of Education at UWS, Trevor commenced at New just after I moved from being Dean to be Principal of The Kensington Colleges. His initiative, energy and expertise, together with his strong Christian faith and commitment, have seen enormous development in the life of the College, including the building of the New College (Postgraduate) Village. His work in the wider community continues, for example, in his recent appointment as President of the NSW Business Chamber. Trevor has been recognised with a Medal in the Order of Australia and as a Fellow of the University. He has been our Public Officer and his contribution to and support of UCA have been consistent and encouraging. We will miss him – as will New College.

With warmest wishes,

(Dr) Ian Walker




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