Adelaide Conference 2014, Year in Review, Positions Vacant, RAs & their Employment Status, National Census and Membership Benefits.
University Colleges Australia

Conference 2014

- Venue & dates: Adelaide, 1st - 3rd October
- Theme: Governance & Headship: Roles, Risks & Responsibilities in Residential Leadership
- Convenor: Rose Alwyn, Master, St Mark's College, Adelaide


The Year in Review

- President's Report

Positions Vacant

- CEO, St Leo's College, University of Queensland
- Dean of Students, St John's College, University of Queensland

Membership Matters

- RAs & their employment status
- National Census: Residential colleges & halls of residence & their student demographic

Membership Benefits

- Financial Assistance with Professional Development Activities

 Adelaide Conference 2014

Planning is well underway for the UCA's Conference in Adelaide Wednesday 1st to Friday 3rd October, 2014.  The conference, 'Governance & Headship: Roles, Risks and Responsibilities in Residential Leadership', will include a one and a half day professional development programme presented by the Australian Institute of Company Directors and targetted specifically to our members.  

The Year in Review

Members who were unable to attend the 2013 Mini-conference and AGM will find an extensive report on the Executive Committee's activities in 2013 from our President, Iyla Davies.

Positions Vacant

Chief Executive Officer, St Leo's College, University of Queensland - Position description

Dean of Students, St John's College, University of Queensland, Applications close 12 January 2014 - Position description


Membership Matters

Residential Assistants and their employment status
Following a presentation of the results of the Professional Development for RAs Survey at this year's Mini-conference, showing that 42% of respondents did not regard their RAs as employees, it was noted that this will govern how RAs are treated in terms of insurance and workcover and that this matter should be addressed by the Association.  In response, the UCA Executive has commissioned Peter McDonald to provide updated advice and guidelines of when there is or is not a common law employment relationship between a residential college and its RAs.  Further information will be available in the new year.

National census: residential colleges & halls of residence and their student demographic 
Whilst there have been many studies at individual universities on the demographic of students who need accommodation, the Association's last major census of our sector was finalised in 1999.  The UCA Executive is currently scoping the information that needs to be gathered to undertake a national census of our sector and will provide more information in early 2014.

Heads Remuneration Survey
In 2012/2013, UCA undertook to gather data about remuneration packages for Heads of Colleges and Halls of Residence via a member survey.  The content may be useful for Heads newly appointed or those renewing their contracts.  

Membership Benefits

Financial Assistance with Professional Development Activities: Conference Attendance
A reminder that the Executive Committee will provide a current financial member with $500 grant to support attendance at a conference or workshop.  Please contact Deborah Pugh, Executive Officer, for further information and an application form.

Seasons Greetings
The UCA Executive wishes all our members a joyous Christmas and a restful holiday break.  We look forward to working with you in 2014. Please contact Deborah Pugh, our Executive Officer, at or individual Committee Members should you require any assistance.
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