ATO review of rules for determining whether GST applies to meals
The Australian Taxation Office is presently reviewing the rules for determining whether meals and some other things supplied to students in residence can be GST
-free. The proposed changes are outlined in the Commissioner's Draft Taxation Determination GSTD 2013/D3 issued 29 May 2013 and available on the ATO website at:
These rules have been subject to previous ATO reviews in 2000, 2002 and 2009. The Association participated in and made submissions to the previous reviews and has recently made a submission in response to the changes proposed in the current review (re GSTD 2013/D3).
GSTD 2013/D3 proposes changes to the way that capital acquisitions are counted for purposes of determining whether meals and certain other (non-accommodation) supplies can be made on a GST
-free basis. The proposed changes will make it more difficult for (most) colleges to obtain the GST concession on meals.
The Association's submission responding to GSTD 2013/D3 argues against various of the changes proposed and seeks further consultation on when the final form of the new rules will take effect.
Members wishing further information are welcome to contact the
Executive Officer for a copy of the Association's submission.
UCA Conference & registration details
This year's conference will be held at the Broadbeach Surf Life Saving Club on the Gold Coast from 3-4 October, 2013. Our topic this year is Youth Mental Health and we will use a workshop format to raise and discuss issues confronting members in their everyday college life. Our workshop facilitator will be Dr James Scott, Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist at the UQCCR. There is no cost to members for this conference, however, there will be a $60 charge per person to cover the cost of the conference dinner.
To access the Conference program and registration details see:
The conference will be held during the school holiday period and followed by a Labour Day long weekend so accommodation is filling fast. Please see below for accommodation options and proximity to the conference venue:
For a map of the Broadbeach area see:
For a map of hotels in the area and their ratings see:
Membership renewals and associate membership
Thank you to all Heads who have recently renewed their membership for 2013/2014. A reminder that if you would like to nominate another senior staff member of your college or hall of residence to share your membership with you, we would be happy for that to occur at no additional cost. Please contact the Executive Officer with membership details.
Membership Matters
Members' Remuneration Survey Results
In 2012, UCA undertook to gather data about remuneration packages for Heads of Colleges and Halls of Residence via a member survey. The results of the survey can be accessed at
Access results by typing the password:
Heads Survey
The content may be useful for Heads newly appointed or those renewing their contracts. Please contact the
Executive Officer should you have difficulty accessing the survey results.
Professional Development for college RAs - Research
Most colleges and halls of residence offer professional development and training to its RAs and SRs especially in their pastoral role of residents living on-site. However, what is not known is the nature and extent of that training, how it is conducted, when, by whom, how often and what if any qualifications or certification is received for that training. In conjunction with AACUHO, the UCA will engage a PhD student to undertake research in this area. Further information on this research will be provided in future communications.
Professional Development for Resident Assistants (RAs), Resident Tutors or Senior Residents - Survey
University Colleges Australia has recently surveyed our members to ascertain the scope and level of professional development and training received by this group of residents engaged by their respective College or Hall of Residence. The results thus far show that the colleges are doing similar things in relation to RA training. With just over a quarter of members completing the survey we would like to keep the survey open to gain a more accurate picture of these training programs. If you have not already done so, please take the time to complete this survey. For ease in the survey only, the term Resident Assistants or RAs will be used but it is meant to include all groups or individuals performing these roles. If you do not directly manage the Resident Assistants please circulate this request to the 'main' person to whom the RAs report. The survey is divided into three sections as listed below and will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous.
Section 1: Demographics
Section 2: Employment Status
Section 3: Professional Development/Training
The information gained by our members will be collated and made available to all members and associate members. Please contact Dr Carla Tromans, Director, International House, Brisbane Mobile 0401 031 240 for any further information. The survey can be accessed at
Financial Assistance with Professional Development Activities: Conference Attendance
The Executive Committee will provide a current financial member with $500 grant to support attendance at a conference or workshop. Information and an application form can be found under the Programs page at
Spotlight on the colleges & halls of residence
The Graduate Union, The University of Melbourne
The Graduate Union in Melbourne is one of a small number of graduate-only colleges in the world. Starting as a membership organisation in 1911, it became a residential college just over 50 years ago. Today, about 660 graduates pass through residency each year and over 2,000 people meet at the Union each month through its meeting services for the charitable and not-for-profit sectors.
The Graduate Union is humbled and grateful for the significant contributions of their hard-working board members who give so much to the 'college sector'. Two members who have recently been in the news are the Honourable Justice Tony (Gaetano) Pagone and Major General Professor Jeffrey V Rosenfeld AM CStJ. Tony was recently appointed Council Chair on 12 June and the very next day was appointed by the Governor-General in Council as a Judge of the Federal Court of Australia.
Whilst their Council President, Jeffrey Rosenfeld received an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the 2013 Commonwealth Queen's Birthday Honours List for services to neurosurgery and the University of Papua New Guinea School of Medicine. He will shortly be travelling to Papua New Guinea to receive the award.