
UCA Conference

- Programme Update
- Call for Papers

Membership Matters
- RAs- common law employees or not?

Conference Updates:
- Flourishing in Faith
- The Collegiate Way

UCA Conference Programme Update

Governance and Headship: Roles, Risks and Responsibilities in Residential Leadership will be held at the Intercontinental Hotel, Adedaide from 30 September to 3 October. Following a Welcome Reception on the Tuesday evening, all of Wednesday and the following Thursday morning will be devoted to three half day workshops designed for UCA members and presented by the AICD covering: Duties & Responsibilities; Strategy & Risk and the Board & the CEO.  Other sessions will include the latest research from the ARC linkage project on alcohol and harm minimisation among Australian university students and sessions on social inclusion and Indigenous students. A programme outline can be found at our homepage and further updates will be provided once additional speaker names are confirmed.

Call for Conference papers
Feedback from Heads and Principals indicates they want to hear from peers about practical and emerging issues and problems, plus solutions.  Matters related  to the conference theme are most welcome.  Please share your ideas.  You are strongly urged to nominate a paper presentation either sole or collaborative.  Please direct paper titles and a brief synopsis to Deborah Pugh at Executive Officer by no later than Tuesday 27 May. 

Membership Matters

RAs - common law employees or not?
The UCA's survey on Professional Development for Resident Assistants (RAs) showed that 41% of respondents did not regard their RAs as employees. Given this response, and the length of time since advice was last provided, the UCA Executive Committee commissioned Peter McDonald to revisit this issue and a copy of his advice can be obtained by emailing Deborah Pugh, Executive Officer. Please note, this is general advice.  If required, members should seek independent legal advice or contact Peter McDonald.
Conference Updates
Flourishing in Faith: Positive Psychology & Theology Conference, 29-30 September 2014, St Peter's College, Adelaide
Flourishing in Faith is an innovative conference that will focus on the contemporary issues of human flourishing through the lens of theology. It is a joint initiative between St Peter's College and St Barnabas College, the Anglican Theological College of Adelaide.

The Collegiate Way Conference, Durham University, UK, 18-22 November 2014
Collegiate Way 2014 aims to bring together representatives from the widest possible range of Colleges worldwide.  Further details can be found at the conference website.  Registrations are now open and can be made securely via the Durham University website at
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