UCA Adelaide Conference
- Programme Update

2014 AACUHO Benchmarking Project

RAs- common law employees or not?

Positions Advertised
- Principal, St Mary's College

New Member Welcome

Conference Updates

UCA Conference

Governance and Headship: Roles, Risks and Responsibilities in Residential Leadership will be held at the Intercontinental Hotel, Adedaide from 30 September to 3 October. Commencing with a Welcome Reception on the Tuesday evening, the Conference will follow with three half day sessions designed specifically for UCA members and presented by the AICD covering: Duties & Responsibilities; Strategy & Risk and the Board & the CEO.  Other sessions will include the latest research from the ARC linkage project on alcohol and harm minimisation among Australian university students and sessions on social inclusion and Indigenous students. Please find the programme outline which will be updated as more speaker names are confirmed.

Further details and ticketing will be available within the coming week.

2014 AACUHO Benchmarking Project

In recent times, AACUHO and UCA have been proactive in identifying areas where the two associations can collaborate on projects that will benefit the industry as a whole.  The AACUHO Benchmarking Project is one such area where both association members can benefit. Participating in the benchmarking program will allow you to critically analyse your operations against other residences across the country and within your own state or territory.  Please register today and submit your data entry by 30 June. Read more
RAs - common law employees or not?
Acccording to the UCA's survey on Professional Development for Resident Assistants (RAs), 41% of respondents did not regard their RAs as employees. Given this response and the fact that it has been 16 years since advice from Clayton Utz was provided, the UCA Executive Committee commissioned Peter McDonald to look again at this issue and a copy of this document can be obtained by emailing Deborah Pugh, Executive Officer. Please note, this is general advice and additional more specific advice can be sought if required.

Position Advertised

Principal, St Mary's College, The University of Melbourne - further information
Applications close on 28 June 2014.

New Member Welcome

We are pleased to welcome Damien McCartin as the new Head of John XXIII College, ANU. Many will remember Damien as he was previously Head of Mannix College at Monash University for eight years and a member of the AHAUCHI Executive.  Prior to this, he was a Deputy of Bruce Hall at the ANU.
ACTS Green Gown Awards
Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS) is a non-profit member based organisation representing higher and further education institutions within Australia and New Zealand.  Their aim is to inspire, promote and support change towards best practice sustainability within the tertiary education sector.  Now in their fifth year, the Green Gown Awards recognise sustainability best practice within the tertiary education sector in Australasia and provide an opportunity to recognise institutions, including residential colleges and halls of residence, and reward their sustainability actions and initiatives.  The deadline for award submissions is 5 August 2014.  For further information
Conference Updates
Flourishing in Faith: Positive Psychology & Theology Conference, 29-30 September 2014, St Peter's College, Adelaide
Flourishing in Faith is an innovative conference that will focus on the contemporary issues of human flourishing through the lens of theology. It is a joint initiative between St Peter's College and St Barnabas College, the Anglican Theological College of Adelaide.

The Collegiate Way Conference, Durham University, UK, 18-22 November 2014
Collegiate Way 2014 aims to bring together representatives from the widest possible range of Colleges worldwide.  Further details can be found at the conference website.
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