Career Opportunities - Positions Advertised
See positions advertised at the UCA website here
News from the Qld Chapter - Cromwell College
UCA will say farewell and send best wishes to our Qld colleague, Mr Ross Switzer, Principal of Cromwell College, who has announced his intention to retire at 31 January 2021. Read a letter of announcement from the College, and of the appointment of Mr Simon Armstrong who will take on the role of Principal in February 2021 here
Obituary - Dr Maureen Aitken
UCA was saddened to learn that Dr Maureen Aitken, Past Principal of The Women's College within The University of Queensland (1991-2008), passed away on 9 July 2020. Amongst her many activities and accomplishments, Maureen served Secretary of our Association and was an energetic advocate for the colleges at The University of Queensland during the early days of the GST. The Executive has communicated the condolences of the Association to Flo Kearney, Principal of The Women’s College. Please read a tribute to Maureen from The Women's College community here