Contact Us

Contact Us

Alana Chambers
Executive Officer

To contact the members of the Executive:

Ms Lisa Sutherland

Email: president@universitycollegesaustralia.org

Phone: (02) 9565 3333
Post: Wesley College, Western Ave, University of Sydney, NSW,  2006

Ms Joanna Rosewell

Email: vice-president@universitycollegesaustralia.org

Phone: (03) 6210 0100
Post: Jane Franklin Hall, 6 Elboden Street, South Hobart, Tas  7004

Ms Rose Alwyn

Email: warden@stjohns.uq.edu.au

Phone: (07) 3842 6600
Post: St John’s College, College Road, St Lucia, Brisbane, Qld 4067

Mr Mark Sampson

Email: mark.sampson@uwa.edu.au

Phone: (08) 9488 0951
Post: University Hall, M426, 130 Winthrop Ave, Crawley, WA 6009


Adjunct Professor Bill Peirson
Committee Member & Public Officer


Phone: (02) 9381 1999
Post: New College, UNSW, Sydney NSW 2052 


Dr Alasdair Murrie-West
Committee Member

Email: principal@dlc.nsw.edu.au

Phone: (02) 9856 1000
Post: Dunmore Lang College, 130 Herring Road, Macquarie Park, NSW, 2113


Mr Wayne Erickson
Immediate Past President