Providing safe and secure living & learning communities
In the light of some media reports associated with a recent civil case judgment against one of our member Colleges, University Colleges Australia reaffirms its commitment to supporting our members in the provision of safe and secure living and learning communities that are places of safety and respect for all; free from all forms of violence and intimidation, sexual assault, harassment, hazing and discrimination.
The wellbeing and needs of our students are at the centre of everything that we do.  We want all our residents to have the confidence that if they experience or witness sexual assault that they will be listened to, believed and supported.
Our work continues in the respectful relations space and I remind all members of the Respectful Relations Framework that was presented at the UCA Forum in Hobart in 2018.  This document is located at the Members' Resource Bank, access the document here

As part of your own college's continuous improvement, below are some key points and questions to consider.

  • In what way/s and how regularly does your residence report to your Board and/or University about matters related to SASH, including the implementation of appropriate policies and procedures?
  • Does your Board represent a wide range of skill sets to support your work and decisions?
  • Are you able to have frank and fearless discussions with your Board Chair?  Board?
  • Does your College’s Vision and Mission reflect that of your Board or Council?  Are you constantly conscious to align these with member values?
  • Are student groups within your College incorporated?
  • Is your Student Club aware of the Australian Human Rights Commission findings, particularly recommendation 9?  If so, what is their response?
  • What are the implications for you and your College should there be a negative incident at an event organised by a student group?
  • Do you have event management and risk management processes in place for events hosted by your student groups?  Are these plans reviewed and affirmed by College staff prior to events being hosted?
  • Have you reviewed your MOU with your Student Club and does the MOU reflect current approaches to responsible consumption of alcohol and SASH issues?
  • How regularly do you review college policies and procedures?
  • Is it clear to all stakeholders that no forms of harassment and bullying are tolerated in your college?
  • In accord with Recommendation 9 of the AHRC Report on sexual assault and sexual harassment (2017), has your residence participated in a “commissioned independent, expert-led review of the factors which contribute to sexual assault and sexual harassment” in your setting?
  • If an independent residence, how much do your SASH policies and procedures align with those of your host/associated university/universities?
  • What training has been provided to you and your staff concerning matters related to consent and to responding to disclosures or reports of sexual assault and sexual harassment?
  • In what ways have you sought to ensure that your residents are aware of how they can disclose or report an incident of SASH, and the support services/resources that are available to them should an incident occur?
  • Do you feel that there are sufficient and appropriate reference material/resources available to you, including through UCA, in dealing with SASH incidents/crises?
  • What form does training take for student leaders, including RAs, in relation to SASH?
  • Depending on the diversity of your resident population, how much have you considered the cultural sensitivities and/differences that might be involved in SASH incidents?
  • Has your university been provided with a copy of your policies and procedures specifying how you will respond in cases of sexual misconduct?
  • What safety/wellbeing checks and balances are in place concerning your Student Club/Association (whether incorporated or not)?
  • Are you satisfied that the licensing and/or approval arrangements that are in place regarding the service of alcohol to students in all settings in your residence conform to the service of alcohol requirements in your jurisdiction?
  • Do the Directors and Officers Liability Insurance arrangements in place for your residence provide cover for your student association if they are joined in any action?
  • Does you college/residence have clear and public policies and procedures in place with respect to complaints resolution?
  • Have you got good support for your own wellbeing?
  • How satisfied are you that the Board/Council and the student leadership of your College understand the scope and limitations of the pastoral care provided by your residence?
Should you wish to discuss an issue of concern, please contact a member of your Executive Committee here

Barbara Green AM
For any difficulties in accessing the Member page, please contact Deborah Pugh at 
Mobile: 0434 400 653
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