From the President:

  • 'Respectful Relations - Response & Resources Advisory Group'
  • Independent Expert Led Reviews
  • Tertiary Education Quality Standards Authority (TEQSA)
  • Education & Training Resources
  • The Future of Australian University Residential Colleges
  • UCA Partners
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UCA Forum 2018 - Save the Date

Organisation for our Forum to be held 26-28 September at The Henry Jones Art Hotel, Hobart is well underway.  Our Forum coordinators, Dave Segal and Wayne Erickson look forward to providing program details in the coming weeks.


2018 ACUHO-I Conference & Expo

July 7-10 | Denver, Colorado

ACUHO-I's largest event, the Annual Conference & Exposition brings together campus housing professionals from around the globe for four days of invigorating speakers, engaging educational sessions, and invaluable networking opportunities. Read Dave Segal's report from last year's conference in Rhode Island here

As a part of UCA's agreement with ACUHO-I, we are pleased to be able to offer one registration ticket to this year's Conference in Denver, Colorado.  Please contact our Executive Officer for further information.

2018 Advancement Tour 

Chicago, 20-24 August plus Hawaii,
27-28 August

UCA is pleased to offer one free registration (excludes airfare & accommodation).  Contact Deborah Pugh for details.

UCA Mentoring Program - Better Leaders, Better Collegiate Life

Continuing the process of learning is applicable to leaders, just as it is to the people they seek to lead. Professional Development is an integral part of the values promoted through the UCA.

UCA has recently launched a Mentoring Program designed to increase the professional knowledge, skills and expertise of both those new to college headship and also those more experienced Heads.  UCA mentors are comprised of past and current Heads of Colleges and Halls of Residence and include current members of the Executive Committee. See the program and registration details here.

Member Grants

A reminder that the UCA offers Conference, Research and Future Leaders Grants to support the professional growth and development of collegiate community leaders.  Find more information here or contact our Executive Officer for details.


UCA Best Practice Resource Bank - Call for Resources

From college governance to the practicalities of running O’Week, the UCA is creating a best practice resource bank to be housed at our Member page.

So far, we have gratefully received: Can you identify policies and procedures that may be of benefit to our membership?  Please contact our Committee Member, Tom Mitchell (St Thomas More College, UWA).
'Such Friends': why Australian university collegiate residences
still matter

In his essay, 'Such Friends'UCA Committee Member & Immediate Past President, Dr Ian Walker, describes the growth and change in university collegiate residences since they were established in the mid to late 1800s and outlines why they still matter, and matter even more today.
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